About BYOB

Introducing Bring Your Own Blockbuster, the podcast that takes you on a trip down memory lane with your hosts, Ben Haines and Jack Hussey. Each week, they bring a beloved classic film from yesteryear to the forefront of your mind and analyse it from top to bottom, bringing their own unique perspectives and insights to the table.

BYOB is a celebration of cinema's past, a chance to revisit the movies that shaped our childhoods and continue to influence our lives today. So grab the popcorn, settle in, and join Ben and Jack as they take you on a journey through some of the greatest films of all time on BYOB.

Meet Your Hosts

Ben Haines

Ben Haines

Broadcaster and Producer

Has worked for BBC, Tottenham Hotspur, UEFA, IMG, the Players' Tribune, The FA and has been in the podcast industry for nearly a decade. Ben enjoys running on holiday, Standard Premium on trains, tapas and any excuse to play competitive sport.

Favourite film: Blade Runner

Jack Hussey

Jack Hussey

Writer, talker, and film lover.

Jack has honed his storytelling and production skills with top media outlets such as Ladbible Group, BBC, and Minute Media. Passionate about bringing ideas to life, he dreams of one day seeing his own films grace the big screen. In the meantime, he shares his insights and enthusiasm for cinema through this podcast, where he delves into the magic of other filmmakers' works.

He's also one of those "I don't have a favourite film" kind of people, but rumour has it that he has a massive soft spot for the Alien franchise and anything by PT Anderson or Christopher Nolan.

Favourite film: Alien

Jack Hussey

Alex Purdy

Producer and Editor

Alex enjoys golfing, sporcle and lager beer. He hates slow walkers and ketchup.

Favourite film: The Hangover

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